2 Antworten auf „Hat jetzt Wieler Recht oder Wieler? (Rebound)“

  1. Der Hinweis fehlt noch in ihrem Text:
    While fear pri­mes a popu­la­ti­on for men­ti­ci­de, the use of pro­pa­gan­da to spread mis­in­for­ma­ti­on and to pro­mo­te con­fu­si­on, with respect to the source of the thre­ats and the natu­re of the cri­sis, help to break down the minds of the masses. Government offi­ci­als and their lackies in the media can use con­tra­dic­to­ry reports, non-sen­si­cal infor­ma­ti­on and even bla­tant lies, as the more they con­fu­se the less capa­ble will a popu­la­ti­on be to cope with the cri­sis and dimi­nish their fear in a ratio­nal and adap­ti­ve man­ner. Confusion, in other words, heigh­tens the sus­cep­ti­bi­li­ty of a des­cent into the delu­si­ons of tota­li­ta­ria­nism, or as Meerloo explains:

    Logic can be met with logic, while illo­gic can­not – it con­fu­ses tho­se who think straight. The big lie and mono­to­no­us­ly repea­ted non­sen­se have more emo­tio­nal appeal … than logic and rea­son. While the peo­p­le are still sear­ching for a rea­sonable coun­ter-argu­ment to the first lie, the tota­li­ta­ri­ans can ass­ault them with another.

    MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

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