Während der Präsident von einem neuen Brauchtum träumt, will sich sein "Corona-Koordinator" unsere guten deutschen Produkte verbal aneignen.
»… Der amerikanische Präsident [sprach] in einer Stellungnahme von einer „neuen Phase“ der Corona-Politik. „Für die meisten Amerikaner heißt das, eine Corona-Impfung im Jahr, jeden Herbst“, äußerte Joe Biden. Ebenso wie die jährliche Grippeimpfung solle sich jeder Bürger über zwölf zwischen Labor Day Anfang September und Halloween am 31. Oktober impfen lassen. Der Winter sei nicht mehr weit. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren habe man die Zahl der Corona-Infektionen und der Tode in die Höhe schießen sehen. „Das muss in diesem Jahr nicht so sein“, mahnte Biden.
Jha formulierte es in der Pressekonferenz am Morgen positiver: „Zum ersten Mal seit Dezember 2020 haben diese Impfstoffe – unsere Impfstoffe – das Virus eingeholt"…«
faz.net (7.9.)
Schießende Todeszahlen sind das eine, aber immer noch heißt es, bitte schön, "Mit deutschen Spesen soll die Welt genesen". Was wärt Ihr Amis denn ohne unser Biontech, hä?
"Ebenso wie die jährliche Grippeimpfung solle sich jeder Bürger über zwölf zwischen Labor Day Anfang September und Halloween am 31. Oktober impfen lassen."
Har es nicht eigentlich seinen Grund, dass in Deutschland die StIKo *nicht* jedem Menschen ueber 12 eine Grippeimpfung empfiehlt? Oder wird die StIKo kuenftig die Empfehlungen an die Meinung Bidens anpassen?
"Der Winter sei nicht mehr weit. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren habe man die Zahl der Corona-Infektionen und der Tode in die Höhe schießen sehen. „Das muss in diesem Jahr nicht so sein“, mahnte Biden."
Das *wird* in diesem Jahr nicht so sein, weil die Omikron Varianten kaum noch schwere Verlaeufe und die "typischen Lunegnentzuendungen" verursachen, und weil man mittlerweile dazu uebergegangen ist (im Gegensatz zu frueher) symptomatiscche Infektionen fruehzeitig zu behandeln (was man 2 Jahre lang ueberwiegend *nicht* getan hat).
Ein Mal im Jahr? Da können die Aktionäre nicht von leben. Die Lauterbachsche Quartalsimpfung kommt der Renditeforderung schon näher.
Ärmel hoch!
Lass dich am Labortag impfen und du erlebst dein ganz persönliches Halloween …
Kann mal jemand Bidens Datenbanken updaten? Langsam müsste das Dark-Winter-Meme doch ausgelutscht sein -.-
Oder auch:
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA‑H)
President Biden proposed the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA‑H) to improve the U.S. government’s ability to speed biomedical and health research. Public Law 117–103 was enacted on March 15, 2022, authorizing the establishment of ARPA‑H within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Recent advances in biomedical and health sciences—from immunotherapy to treat cancer, to the highly effective COVID-19 vaccines—demonstrate the strengths and successes of the U.S. biomedical enterprise. Such advances present an opportunity to revolutionize how to prevent, treat, and even cure a range of diseases including cancer, infectious diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and many others that together affect a significant number of Americans.
ARPA‑H will support transformative high-risk, high-reward research to drive biomedical and health breakthroughs—ranging from molecular to societal—that would provide transformative solutions for all patients.
Renee Wegrzyn is an American applied biologist who was selected to serve as director of the newly-created Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health.
From 2003 to 2006, Wegrzyn worked as a post-doctoral research fellow at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. From 2006 to 2008, she worked as the assay development group leader for Adlyfe, a biotechnology company based in Quebec. In 2009, she was a senior scientist at Meso Scale Discovery and in 2012, she was a fellow at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. From 2009 to 2016, she worked as a senior lead technologist at Booz Allen Hamilton. From 2016 to 2020, she served as a program manager in the Biological Technologies Office of DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), where she specialized in synthetic biology and biosecurity. Since 2018, she has been a senior advisor to the Nuclear Threat Initiative. In 2020, she joined Ginkgo Bioworks as vice president of business development.
12.09.2022 / Sept. 12, 2022 / NBC
Biden touts next steps on 'Cancer Moonshot' in speech at JFK library
Rebecca Shabad and Shannon Pettypiece
( The announcements, which include naming the inaugural director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, came on the 60th anniversary of Kennedy's own moonshot speech. )
WASHINGTON—President Joe Biden announced new steps to expand on his administration’s “Cancer Moonshot” initiative to prevent deaths from cancer by trying to speed the discovery of new treatments and improve prevention, detection and treatment to those suffering from the disease.
“Cancer doesn’t discriminate between red or blue, it doesn’t care if you’re a Republican or a Democrat,” Biden said in a speech Monday afternoon at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. “Beating cancer is something we can do together and that’s why I’m here today.” (…)
During his remarks, Biden named longtime science adviser Renee Wegrzyn as the inaugural director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, which he created in March. The agency’s mission is to improve the federal government’s ability to foster health and biomedical research.
“Under Dr. Wegrzyn’s leadership, ARPA‑H will support programs and projects that undertake challenges ranging from the molecular to the societal, with the potential to transform entire areas of medicine and health in order to prevent, detect, and treat some of the most complex diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer, providing benefits for all Americans,” the White House said in a statement.