Sonderbares im "Sansibar":
„Sansibar“: Kellner vor der Arbeit positiv getestet und in Quarantäne
Rantum | Nun hat es auch das Sylter Kult-Lokal „Sansibar“ erwischt. Ein Kellner des Restaurants ist am Sonntag vor der Arbeit positiv auf Corona getestet und in Quarantäne geschickt worden. Das bestätigte nun „Sansibar“-Chef Herbert Seckler gegenüber…
„Wir haben 200 Mitarbeiter bei uns, bisher haben wir wirklich Glück gehabt und sind verschont geblieben.“ Weitere Mitarbeiter seien bislang nicht in Quarantäne geschickt worden, so Seckler. Ein Schreiben des Kreises Nordfriesland an sein Restaurant stehe noch aus.
Auf Nachfrage von teilt Hans-Martin Slopianka, der Sprecher des Kreises Nordfriesland, mit: „Ja, es gibt einen Fall in der Sansibar. Die betroffene Person befindet sich in Isolation. Wir haben ihre Kontakte ermittelt. Enge Kontakte gab es nicht. Deshalb mussten wir bisher weder für Gäste noch für Mitarbeiter Quarantäneverfügungen aussprechen.“ Die meisten Mitarbeiter seien zudem geimpft.
Laut der Pressestelle des Kreises Nordfriesland sind auf Sylt aktuell 214 Personen in Quarantäne, 56 an Corona erkrankt und 288 von einer Corona-Erkrankung genesen.« (16.8.)
Kneipen mit lauffaulen oder a‑sozialen Angestellten sind offenbar derzeit klar im Vorteil. Genau wie asymptomische Menschen mit positiven Tests (aller 180Tage).
Das ist doch gar nichts. Schaut Euch mal Neuseeland an (Berichte von der britischen Presse, Neuseeland ist Teil des Imperiums der englischen royalen Brut).
New Zealand to go into hard lockdown after one Covid case found in Auckland
It marks the first community case of coronavirus in New Zealand since February
New Zealand is going into a level 4 lockdown after reporting its first case of Covid-19 in the community in six months.
Health officials said the positive case was found in its largest city of Auckland on Tuesday afternoon and has no known link to outside the country.
The hard lockdown measures will come into place at 11.59pm on Tuesday and last for three days for the entire country and a minimum of seven days in Auckland.
New Zealand health chief Dr Ashley Bloomfield said there is no link between Auckland’s Covid case and the border.
The last community outbreak was in February and New Zealand has reported just 26 virus deaths since the pandemic began.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has promised a tough approach, including possible lockdowns, for any outbreaks of the Delta variant as New Zealand continues to pursue a zero-tolerance approach towards the virus.
Ms Ardern rushed back to the capital Wellington from Auckland to attend a cabinet meeting, state broadcaster TVNZ reported.
The Auckland Regional Public Health unit is holding interviews with the case for contact tracing purposes, a statement said.
“Ministers will meet this afternoon once additional information is gathered to confirm a response,” it added.
New Zealand has followed a go hard and early response that has helped it virtually eliminate Covid-19 throughout the country, allowing people to live without restrictions.
However, its border remains largely closed.
University of Auckland coronavirus modeller Professor Shaun Hendy, who has helped the government model its response to the virus, said Aucklanders must take precautions and assume they have been exposed to the virus.
“If there is a link to the border, then there is a chance we’ve caught this outbreak at an early stage. If not, then there will be more cases out there,” he said on Twitter.
“In either case we should be prepared for an alert level change in Auckland, if not other parts of the country.”
New Zealand enters three-day lockdown after man tests positive to COVID-19
A man in Auckland has contracted the Delta variant
New Zealand will enter a snap three-day lockdown from tonight after a man tested positive to the ultra-infectious Delta variant of COVID-19.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed the level four restrictions will come into place for the entire country at 11:59pm today (Tuesday). Auckland’s lockdown will last for seven days in a bid to prevent spread within the community and a larger-scale outbreak.
The 58-year-old man’s positive test is the first in New Zealand for 170 days. Authorities are not yet sure how he contracted the virus but say he has been infectious since August 12.
Announcing the lockdown today, Ardern said the measures are necessary to prevent the sort of outbreaks seen in neighbouring Australia where the Delta variant has proved extremely difficult to control.
She said: “We have seen what has happened in Sydney. Go hard, go early has served us well."
The man, who lives in Devonport, on Auckland's north shore, visited Coromandel over the weekend with his wife. His wife – who has tested negative – has been fully vaccinated, but the man has not yet had a first dose.
The level four restrictions mean New Zealanders will only be able to leave their homes for exercise in their own neighbourhood, essential shopping and to seek medical assistance. All gatherings have been cancelled and businesses, except essential services, will be forced to close.
It has been 12 months since New Zealand face such harsh restrictions, with life having returned to normal. But recently, all cases required overseas have been of the Delta variant, posing far greater risk if the virus spread into the community as it now has.
New Zealand's Ardern orders nationwide lockdown over one COVID-19 case
WELLINGTON (Reuters) – New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced a nationwide lockdown on Tuesday after a new case of COVID-19 was discovered in the biggest city of Auckland.
The lockdown will run seven days in Auckland, but three days elsewhere. Ardern said authorities were assuming the new case was a Delta variant although this has not been confirmed.
(Reporting by Praveen Menon; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
Hier noch einmal die wichtigsten Aussage zusammengefasst und geordnet. Die Widersprüche sollten so gut erkennbar sein. Weitere Widersprüche zu anderen Meldungen (Spritzmittel macht immun, auch gegen "Delta" – oder auch nicht) erkennt man ohne den journalistischen Ballast in einer so knappen Darstellung ebenfalls einfacher. Zumindest sollte man als Leser die Berichte hinterfragen.
"one Covid case"
"positive case"
"lockdown after man tests positive to COVID-19"
"A man in Auckland has contracted the Delta variant"
"a man tested positive to the ultra-infectious Delta variant of COVID-19"
"The 58-year-old man’s positive test"
"one COVID-19 case"
"has no known link to outside the country"
"no link between Auckland’s Covid case and the border"
"first case of Covid-19 in the community in six months"
"not yet sure how he contracted the virus but … infectious since August 12"
"New Zealand has reported just 26 virus deaths since the pandemic began"
"lockdowns, for any outbreaks of the Delta variant"
"zero-tolerance approach towards the virus"
"virtually eliminate Covid-19 throughout the country, allowing people to live without restrictions.
However, its border remains largely closed."
"lockdown … to prevent … outbreaks … Australia … Delta … extremely difficult to control"
"recently, all cases required overseas … Delta … far greater risk … virus spread … community"
"contact tracing"
"coronavirus modeller"
"His wife – who has tested negative – has been fully vaccinated, but the man has not yet had a first dose."
Nach all dem die beste Aussage zum Schluss:
"authorities were assuming the new case was a Delta variant although this has not been confirmed"
".…214 Personen in Quarantäne, 56 an Corona erkrankt und 288 von einer Corona-Erkrankung genesen.«
Übersetzt könnte das heißen:
.… 214 Pers. in Quarantäne (davon 56 asympt. pos. getestet , der Rest Kontakt-Pers.), 288 beim 1. Test pos., beim 2. Test negativ!