Quarantäne für kontaktarmen Kellner

Sonderbares im "Sansibar":

„Sansibar“: Kellner vor der Arbeit posi­tiv gete­stet und in Quarantäne
Rantum | Nun hat es auch das Sylter Kult-Lokal „Sansibar“ erwischt. Ein Kellner des Restaurants ist am Sonntag vor der Arbeit posi­tiv auf Corona gete­stet und in Quarantäne geschickt wor­den. Das bestä­tig­te nun „Sansibar“-Chef Herbert Seckler gegen­über shz​.de…

„Wir haben 200 Mitarbeiter bei uns, bis­her haben wir wirk­lich Glück gehabt und sind ver­schont geblie­ben.“ Weitere Mitarbeiter sei­en bis­lang nicht in Quarantäne geschickt wor­den, so Seckler. Ein Schreiben des Kreises Nordfriesland an sein Restaurant ste­he noch aus. 

Auf Nachfrage von shz​.de teilt Hans-Martin Slopianka, der Sprecher des Kreises Nordfriesland, mit: „Ja, es gibt einen Fall in der Sansibar. Die betrof­fe­ne Person befin­det sich in Isolation. Wir haben ihre Kontakte ermit­telt. Enge Kontakte gab es nicht. Deshalb muss­ten wir bis­her weder für Gäste noch für Mitarbeiter Quarantäneverfügungen aus­spre­chen.“ Die mei­sten Mitarbeiter sei­en zudem geimpft.

Laut der Pressestelle des Kreises Nordfriesland sind auf Sylt aktu­ell 214 Personen in Quarantäne, 56 an Corona erkrankt und 288 von einer Corona-Erkrankung gene­sen.«
shz​.de (16.8.)

5 Antworten auf „Quarantäne für kontaktarmen Kellner“

  1. Kneipen mit lauf­fau­len oder a‑sozialen Angestellten sind offen­bar der­zeit klar im Vorteil. Genau wie asym­pto­mi­sche Menschen mit posi­ti­ven Tests (aller 180Tage).

  2. Das ist doch gar nichts. Schaut Euch mal Neuseeland an (Berichte von der bri­ti­schen Presse, Neuseeland ist Teil des Imperiums der eng­li­schen roya­len Brut).


    New Zealand to go into hard lock­down after one Covid case found in Auckland

    It marks the first com­mu­ni­ty case of coro­na­vi­rus in New Zealand sin­ce February
    New Zealand is going into a level 4 lock­down after report­ing its first case of Covid-19 in the com­mu­ni­ty in six months.
    Health offi­ci­als said the posi­ti­ve case was found in its lar­gest city of Auckland on Tuesday after­noon and has no known link to out­side the country.
    The hard lock­down mea­su­res will come into place at 11.59pm on Tuesday and last for three days for the enti­re coun­try and a mini­mum of seven days in Auckland.
    New Zealand health chief Dr Ashley Bloomfield said the­re is no link bet­ween Auckland’s Covid case and the border.
    The last com­mu­ni­ty out­break was in February and New Zealand has repor­ted just 26 virus deaths sin­ce the pan­de­mic began.
    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has pro­mi­sed a tough approach, inclu­ding pos­si­ble lock­downs, for any out­breaks of the Delta vari­ant as New Zealand con­ti­nues to pur­sue a zero-tole­rance approach towards the virus.
    Ms Ardern rus­hed back to the capi­tal Wellington from Auckland to attend a cabi­net mee­ting, sta­te broad­ca­ster TVNZ reported.
    The Auckland Regional Public Health unit is hol­ding inter­views with the case for cont­act tra­cing pur­po­ses, a state­ment said.
    “Ministers will meet this after­noon once addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on is gathe­red to con­firm a respon­se,” it added.
    New Zealand has fol­lo­wed a go hard and ear­ly respon­se that has hel­ped it vir­tual­ly eli­mi­na­te Covid-19 throug­hout the coun­try, allo­wing peo­p­le to live wit­hout restrictions.
    However, its bor­der remains lar­ge­ly closed.
    University of Auckland coro­na­vi­rus modeller Professor Shaun Hendy, who has hel­ped the govern­ment model its respon­se to the virus, said Aucklanders must take pre­cau­ti­ons and assu­me they have been expo­sed to the virus.
    “If the­re is a link to the bor­der, then the­re is a chan­ce we’ve caught this out­break at an ear­ly stage. If not, then the­re will be more cases out the­re,” he said on Twitter.
    “In eit­her case we should be pre­pared for an alert level chan­ge in Auckland, if not other parts of the country.”

    New Zealand enters three-day lock­down after man tests posi­ti­ve to COVID-19

    A man in Auckland has con­trac­ted the Delta variant
    New Zealand will enter a snap three-day lock­down from tonight after a man tested posi­ti­ve to the ultra-infec­tious Delta vari­ant of COVID-19.
    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern con­firm­ed the level four rest­ric­tions will come into place for the enti­re coun­try at 11:59pm today (Tuesday). Auckland’s lock­down will last for seven days in a bid to pre­vent spread within the com­mu­ni­ty and a lar­ger-sca­le outbreak.
    The 58-year-old man’s posi­ti­ve test is the first in New Zealand for 170 days. Authorities are not yet sure how he con­trac­ted the virus but say he has been infec­tious sin­ce August 12.
    Announcing the lock­down today, Ardern said the mea­su­res are neces­sa­ry to pre­vent the sort of out­breaks seen in neigh­bou­ring Australia whe­re the Delta vari­ant has pro­ved extre­me­ly dif­fi­cult to control.
    She said: “We have seen what has hap­pen­ed in Sydney. Go hard, go ear­ly has ser­ved us well."
    The man, who lives in Devonport, on Auckland's north shore, visi­ted Coromandel over the weekend with his wife. His wife – who has tested nega­ti­ve – has been ful­ly vac­ci­na­ted, but the man has not yet had a first dose.
    The level four rest­ric­tions mean New Zealanders will only be able to lea­ve their homes for exer­cise in their own neigh­bour­hood, essen­ti­al shop­ping and to seek medi­cal assi­stance. All gathe­rings have been can­cel­led and busi­nesses, except essen­ti­al ser­vices, will be forced to close.
    It has been 12 months sin­ce New Zealand face such harsh rest­ric­tions, with life having retur­ned to nor­mal. But recent­ly, all cases requi­red over­se­as have been of the Delta vari­ant, posing far grea­ter risk if the virus spread into the com­mu­ni­ty as it now has.

    New Zealand's Ardern orders nati­on­wi­de lock­down over one COVID-19 case

    WELLINGTON (Reuters) – New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announ­ced a nati­on­wi­de lock­down on Tuesday after a new case of COVID-19 was dis­co­ver­ed in the big­gest city of Auckland.
    The lock­down will run seven days in Auckland, but three days else­whe­re. Ardern said aut­ho­ri­ties were assum­ing the new case was a Delta vari­ant alt­hough this has not been confirmed.
    (Reporting by Praveen Menon; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

    Hier noch ein­mal die wich­tig­sten Aussage zusam­men­ge­fasst und geord­net. Die Widersprüche soll­ten so gut erkenn­bar sein. Weitere Widersprüche zu ande­ren Meldungen (Spritzmittel macht immun, auch gegen "Delta" – oder auch nicht) erkennt man ohne den jour­na­li­sti­schen Ballast in einer so knap­pen Darstellung eben­falls ein­fa­cher. Zumindest soll­te man als Leser die Berichte hinterfragen.

    "one Covid case"
    "posi­ti­ve case"
    "lock­down after man tests posi­ti­ve to COVID-19"
    "A man in Auckland has con­trac­ted the Delta variant"
    "a man tested posi­ti­ve to the ultra-infec­tious Delta vari­ant of COVID-19"
    "The 58-year-old man’s posi­ti­ve test"
    "one COVID-19 case"

    "has no known link to out­side the country"
    "no link bet­ween Auckland’s Covid case and the border"
    "first case of Covid-19 in the com­mu­ni­ty in six months"
    "not yet sure how he con­trac­ted the virus but … infec­tious sin­ce August 12"

    "New Zealand has repor­ted just 26 virus deaths sin­ce the pan­de­mic began"

    "lock­downs, for any out­breaks of the Delta variant"
    "zero-tole­rance approach towards the virus"
    "vir­tual­ly eli­mi­na­te Covid-19 throug­hout the coun­try, allo­wing peo­p­le to live wit­hout restrictions.
    However, its bor­der remains lar­ge­ly closed."
    "lock­down … to pre­vent … out­breaks … Australia … Delta … extre­me­ly dif­fi­cult to control"
    "recent­ly, all cases requi­red over­se­as … Delta … far grea­ter risk … virus spread … community"

    "cont­act tracing"

    "coro­na­vi­rus modeller"

    "His wife – who has tested nega­ti­ve – has been ful­ly vac­ci­na­ted, but the man has not yet had a first dose."

    Nach all dem die beste Aussage zum Schluss:

    "aut­ho­ri­ties were assum­ing the new case was a Delta vari­ant alt­hough this has not been confirmed"

  3. ".…214 Personen in Quarantäne, 56 an Corona erkrankt und 288 von einer Corona-Erkrankung genesen.«
    Übersetzt könn­te das heißen:
    .… 214 Pers. in Quarantäne (davon 56 asym­pt. pos. gete­stet , der Rest Kontakt-Pers.), 288 beim 1. Test pos., beim 2. Test negativ!

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