Weitsichtig: Julian Lennons "Saltwater"

Man mag nicht glau­ben, daß die­ser Song 1991 geschrie­ben wurde.

Quelle: https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​q​l​1​E​n​j​V​Y​r​Z​M​&​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​y​o​u​t​u​.be

»We are a rock revolving
Around a gol­den sun
We are a bil­li­on children
Rolled into one
So when I hear about
The hole in the sky
Saltwater wells in my eyes

We climb the hig­hest mountain
We'll make the desert bloom
We're so ingenious
We can walk on the moon
But when I hear of how
The forests have died
Saltwater wells in my eyes

have lived for love
But now that's not enough
For the world I love is dying
(And now I'm crying)
And time is not a friend
(No fri­end of mine)
As fri­ends we're out of time
And it's slow­ly pas­sing by
Right befo­re our eyes

We light the deepest ocean
Send pho­to­graphs of Mars
We're so enchan­ted by
How cle­ver we are
Why should one baby
Feel so hun­gry she cries
Saltwater wells in my eyes

I have lived for love
But now that's not enough
For the world I love is dying
(And now I'm crying)
And time is not a friend
(No fri­end of mine)
As fri­ends we're out of time
And it's slow­ly pas­sing by
Right befo­re our eyes

We are a rock revolving
Around a gol­den sun
We are a bil­li­on children
Rolled into one
What will I think of me
The day that I die
Saltwater wells in my eyes
Saltwater wells in my eyes«

Quelle: https://​www​.metro​ly​rics​.com/​s​a​l​t​w​a​t​e​r​-​l​y​r​i​c​s​-​j​u​l​i​a​n​-​l​e​n​n​o​n​.​h​tml

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