Eurosurveillance zu Corman/Drosten-PCR-Papier

Eurosurveillance hat­te den Antragstellern, die die „retrac­tion“ des Corman/Drosten-PCR-Papiers for­dern, im November mit­ge­teilt, dass man sich bis Ende Januar dazu äußern wer­de. Nun hat ein nicht näher benann­ter „con­cer­ned German citi­zen“ nach­ge­fragt und zur Antwort bekom­men, dass man sich in einer der näch­sten regu­lä­ren Ausgaben der Zeitschrift dazu äußern werde.

Das, aber noch nicht mehr, ist auf der Seite cor​man​d​ro​sten​re​view​.com zu erfahren.

6 Antworten auf „Eurosurveillance zu Corman/Drosten-PCR-Papier“

  1. "We have been working towards a reso­lu­ti­on invol­ving mul­ti­ple par­ties and will com­mu­ni­ca­te our decis­i­on in one of the fol­lo­wing regu­lar issues of the journal"

    Die Anwälte fei­len noch am besten Ausweg.

  2. Der „con­cer­ned German citi­zen“ ist Torsten Engelbrecht:‑2/

    On January 11, 2021, the edi­to­ri­al team of Eurosurveillance respon­ded to Torsten Engelbrecht’s e‑mail asking for a com­ment on this analysis:

    We are awa­re of such a request [to retract the Corman/Drosten et al. paper] but we hope you will under­stand that we are curr­ent­ly not com­men­ting on this. However, we are working towards a decis­i­on by the end of January 2021.

    On January 27, Engelbrecht approa­ched the jour­nal once more to ask again: “Now is end of January. So plea­se allow me to ask you again: What is your com­ment on the men­tio­ned ana­ly­sis of your Corman/Drosten et al. paper? And are you going to retract the Corman et al. paper – or what are you going to do? Two days later, the Eurosurveillance edi­to­ri­al team ans­we­red as follows:

    This is taking some time as mul­ti­ple par­ties are invol­ved. We will com­mu­ni­ca­te our decis­i­on in one of the for­th­co­ming regu­lar issues of the journal.

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